Mnoa Rulkin

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Name: Mnoa Rulkin
Sponsered By: C'nwyn (of Sgiath WolfKeep)
Gender: Female
Species: Reririan
Father: Black Prism Rulkin Taan

Mother: Common Gray Aelarel Kamerin

Siblings: Noren
, Allyth, Sayll, Tevor
Mate: Tolaal-Sen'amann

Height: 3'
Color: Black Prism
Eye Color: Gold
Magic: Common magic
Personality: Quiet and pensive, Mnoa is a thoughtful wolf and a melancholy individual. She is easily depressed and likes to stay around others who can help to cheer her up. She is very intelligent though, and often acts happier than she really feels.
From: Alair Wolfkeep
(Opening Frenzy)